Through this programme RDS intended to improve the job opportunities for 50 marginalized adolescent girls (aged 14-18 years). RDS conducted a Skill Training in Zari Crafts work (Hand Embroidery work) for a period of 3 months. Zari Craft is Indian beautiful traditional artistic hand work practiced by adolescent girls. This artistic hand embroidery is being applies to decorate on the sarees, dress materials and other fabrics wears. This craft now-a-days attracts the ample market demand in the textile industry both at rural and urban areas.
After training period, RDS supported these 50 girls with required tools and raw materials to take-up their own zari crafts units. With the profits earned from this zari crafts occupation these girls and their family members were solved their problem of poverty. These poor, hungry girls are now becomes self-sufficient and now in a position to add their income to daily wages of their mothers and they are now getting good nutrition food, proper shelter, suitable medical treatment while ailing etc.,